Printmaps provides the universal cli client (command line interface client) "printmaps" for easy use of the web service. This allows the generation of a reproducible map in a very short time.
The cli client (executable program) is available for various operating systems:
- Linux (amd64) printmaps_linux_amd64.tar.gz
- Linux (arm64) printmaps_linux_arm64.tar.gz
- macOS (amd64) printmaps_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
- macOS (arm64) printmaps_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
- Windows (amd64)
- Windows (arm64)
The cli client is a command-line application that must be executed in a terminal window.
The starting point for the generation of a large-format map is typically the map template. Initially, this should Template can be downloaded and unpacked. Then we recommend renaming the template directory to a descriptive name.
Create map:
- create
- upload
- order (optional)
- state ... state
- download
The initially created map will often not yet meet expectations. Here starts the process of iterative revision.
Improve map:
- edit 'map.yaml'
- update
- upload (optional)
- order
- state ... state
- download
Often the improvements relate to the placement and presentation of custom map and data elements. For fast turn-around times it's recommended to use map style 'raster10'. This design only divides the map into 10x10 rectangles, but does not read any data from the database.
Definition file
The definition file 'map.yaml' contains all the parameters required for the creation of the map. With this file the map can be reproduced at any time. The understanding of the definition parameters is therefore essential. It's recommended to work through the definition file (text editor) and to create the default map by applying the action sequence 'create, upload, order, state ... state, download'.
Program start
If the cli client is started without arguments, it issues this usage informations:
Program: Name : printmaps Release : v0.8.0 - 2025/01/04 Purpose : Printmaps Command Line Interface Client Info : Creates large-sized maps in print quality. Usage: printmaps <action> Example: printmaps create Actions: Primary : create, update, upload, order, state, download Secondary : data, delete, capabilities Helper : unzip Helper : passepartout, rectangle, cropmarks Helper : latlongrid, utmgrid Helper : latlon2utm, utm2latlon Helper : bearingline, latlonline, utmline Helper : runlua Remarks: create : creates the meta data for a new map update : updates the meta data of an existing map upload : uploads a list of user supplied files order : places a map build order state : fetches the current state of the map download : downloads a successful build map data : fetches the current meta data of the map delete : deletes all artifacts (files) of the map capabilities : fetches the capabilities of the map service unzip : unzips the downloaded map file passepartout : calculates wkt passe-partout from base values rectangle : calculates wkt rectangle from base values cropmarks : calculates wkt crop marks from base values latlongrid : creates lat/lon grid in geojson format utmgrid : creates utm grid in geojson format latlon2utm : converts coordinates from lat/lon to utm utm2latlon : converts coordinates from utm to lat/lon bearingline : creates geographic line in geojson format latlonline : creates geographic line in geojson format utmline : creates geographic line in geojson format runlua : run lua 5.1 script for generating labels Files: : unique map identifier map.yaml : map definition parameters How to start: - Download and unzip the 'template' map from ''. - Build the 'template' map by running the actions: 'create', 'upload', 'order', 'state', 'download', 'unzip' - View the map with an appropriate application. - Modify the map definition file 'map.yaml' to your needs.
Primary actions
- create
- update
- upload (optional)
- order
- state ... state
- download
The primary actions are needed to create a map. They are described accordingly in the chapter "Workflow".
Secondary actions
- data
- delete
- capabilities
The secondary actions are used to control the map data or to determine the characteristics of the service. In addition, a map can be deleted from the server.
Helper "map objects"
- passepartout
- rectangle
- cropmarks
The helper function "passepartout" generates the definition of the map frame, "rectangle" any rectangular box, and "cropmarks" so-called cutting marks.
Helper "map grid"
- latlongrid
- utmgrid
The auxiliary functions "latlongrid, utmgrid" allow the generation of map grids. The helper functions generate GeoJSON files which can then be rendered as user objects on the map.
Helper "coordinate conversion"
- latlon2utm
- utm2latlon
The auxiliary functions "latlon2utm, utm2latlon" allow the conversion of coordinates.
Helper "lines"
- bearingline
- latlonline
- utmline
The auxiliary functions "bearingline, latlonline, utmline" allow the generation of a line. Each helper generates a GeoJSON file which can then be rendered as a user object on the map. The helper functions are typically used to generate a scale bar.
Helper "miscellaneous"
- runlua
The auxiliary function "runlua" provides an embedded Lua interpreter (5.1). This makes it possible to execute self-created Lua programs. This advanced function can, for example, generate definitions for the labeling of coordinate grids, or even generate the grid lines themselves. See also map examples.
Examples of use
Nearly every map has a map frame and a scale bar. Therefore, the use of the two auxiliary functions "passepartout" and "bearing line" will be explained below by way of example. In addition, the creation of a coordinate grid using the function "latlongrid" is shown.
Map frame
The auxiliary function "passepartout" creates a rectangular frame in the WKT format. The generated result can be used directly as a map frame and map edge.
Usage: printmaps passepartout width height left top right bottom Example: printmaps passepartout 420.0 594.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Remarks: width = map width in millimeters height = map width in millimeters left = size of left border in millimeters top = size of top border in millimeters right = size of right border in millimeters bottom = size of bottom border in millimeters Hints: useful to create the map frame
- Map width 420.0 mm
- Map height 594.0 mm
- Map frame 20.0 mm
printmaps passepartout 420.0 594.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 well-known-text (wkt) as rectangle with hole (frame) (probably what you want) ... POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 594.0, 420.0 594.0, 420.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 574.0, 400.0 574.0, 400.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)) well-known-text (wkt) as rectangle outlines (outer and inner) ... LINESTRING(0.0 0.0, 0.0 594.0, 420.0 594.0, 420.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0) LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 574.0, 400.0 574.0, 400.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)
The output "POLYGON ((0.0 ... 20.0))" describes the rectangle frame (Passepartout) and can be drawn as a polygon on the map. The output "LINESTRING (20.0 ... 20.0)" (inner) describes a rectangular line, which can be used as a dividing line between map area and map frame.
Scale bar
The generation of a length-appropriate scale bar represents a special challenge. The best method for this is to construct a line of defined length (e.g., 1000 meters). As a rule, the scale bar should run in a west-east direction. If "Web-Mercator" (EPSG: 3857) was chosen as the projection, the use of the auxiliary function "bearingline" is appropriate.
Usage: printmaps bearingline lat lon angle length linelabel filename Example: printmaps bearingline 51.98130 7.51479 90.0 1000.0 "1000 Meter" scalebar-1000 Remarks: lat = line start point in decimal degrees lon = line start point in decimal degrees angle = angle in degrees length = line length in meters linelabel = name of line filename = name of file (extension .geojson will be added) Hints: useful to create a scalebar (webmercator) useful to create a declination line
- Start coordinates 53.49777 9.93321
- Length of natural stretch 1000 Meter
- Angle to north direction 90°
printmaps bearingline 53.49777 9.93321 90.0 1000.0 "1000 Meter" scalebar-1000
The helper function generates a GeoJSON file "scalebar-1000.geojson". This file contains a line with an exact length of 1000 meters. The GeoJSON file can then be rendered to the map as a user object, the length of the scale bar being automatically adjusted to the map scale (e.g. 1:25000).
Coordinate grid
The auxiliary function "latlongrid" generates a coordinate grid consisting of latitude and longitude lines. Two files (latgrid.geojson, longrid.geojson) are created in GeoJSON format, which can be placed over the map as user data.
Usage: printmaps latlongrid latmin lonmin latmax lonmax distance Example: printmaps latlongrid 53.4 9.9 53.6 10.1 0.01 Remarks: latmin lonmin = lower left / south west start point in decimal degrees latmax lonmax = upper right / north east end point in decimal degrees distance = grid distance in decimal degrees fractional digits of coord labels = fractional digits of grid distance Hints: useful to create a geographic lat/lon grid
The coordinates of the two map corners are obtained by first creating the map in the desired size and scale as a test. As soon as the map generation is completed, the coordinates of the map corners are indicated by the command "printmaps state".
... "MapBuildBoxWGS84": { "LonMin": 9.92010711546, "LatMin": 53.4925129255, "LonMax": 10.0470928845, "LatMax": 53.59921982 } ...
For the generation of the coordinate grid, it is recommended to choose the two corner points slightly larger than the map. Thus, suitable "smooth" values can be used for the grid lines.
printmaps latlongrid 53.4 9.9 53.6 10.1 0.01
The build of a map ("printmaps order") takes place in a parallel process. The command "printmaps state" can be used to determine the current build status.
The start of the build process is documented in the field "mapBuildStarted". When the process is complete, the "mapBuildCompleted" field is updated. The fields "mapBuildSuccessful" and "mapBuildMessage" indicate the success / failure of the build process.
The "printmaps state" command is to be executed repeatedly. The download of the map is only possible if / after the field "mapBuildSuccessful" has the value "yes".
Uploading ("printmaps upload") of user data is optional. This step must be executed before the build ("printmaps order"). It is only required if user data is to be additionally printed on the map. The names of the files to upload are defined in the map control file (map.yaml).