Printmaps provides JSON-API-compatible service calls for the basic use of this web service. Over this, any client (program, web application, curl tool, ...) can use the Printmaps services. The following explanations describe the use of the API and are intended for application developers.
If, on the other hand, interactive maps are to be generated, we recommend using a Printmaps client.
Type | Description |
Version | beta2 |
Date | 2018/12/03 |
URL | |
API attributes
Attribute | Subattribute | Required | Data type | Description |
File format | yes | string | data format of map | |
Scale | yes | int | scale of map | |
PrintWidth | yes | float | width of map (millimeter) | |
PrintHeight | yes | float | hight of map (millimeter) | |
Latitude | yes | float | latitude of map center point (decimal degrees) | |
Longitude | yes | float | longitude of map center point (decimal degrees) | |
Style | yes | string | design (style) of map | |
Projection | yes | int | map projection (EPSG number) | |
HideLayers | no | string | list of map layers to hide | |
UserObjects | no | struct | user data or items (repetitive structure) | |
Style | - | string | design (style) of user data | |
SRS | - | string | spatial reference system for user data | |
Type | - | string | type of preprocessor for user data | |
File | - | string | file with user data | |
Layer | - | string | data layer (within user data) to extract | |
'or' | ||||
Style | - | string | design (style) of user element | |
WellKnownText | - | string | wkt definition of user element | |
UserFiles | no | string | list of uploaded user files (read-only attribute) |
API calls
This service provides the following services:
Map | Action | Description |
Step 1 | POST (create resource) | define the order data |
Step 2 | POST (create resource) | create an order |
Step 3 | GET (fetch resource) | request the order status |
Step 4 | GET (fetch resource) | download the created map |
optional | PATCH (update resource) | update the order data |
optional | DELETE (delete resource) | delete all data of a map order |
optional | GET (fetch resource) | request the map data |
optional | GET (fetch capabilities) | request the service capabilities |
optional | GET (fetch capabilities) | request the available map data |
optional | POST (send form data) | upload user data |
The description of the individual service functions is made by means of curl calls (embedded in bash scripts).
Define the order data (step 1)
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/metadata |
Request-Type | POST (create resource) |
Response, Success | 201 Created |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
#!/bin/bash # # create map meta data (new map) postdata=$(cat <<EOF { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "<PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' />", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='dimgray' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'>'New York'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='dimgray' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'>'© OpenStreetMap contributors'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } } EOF ) echo "postdata =\n$postdata" set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --data "$postdata" \
The response returns a unique map ID. This ID identifies the map unambiguously and has to be attached to all other service calls.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 2009 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:05:58 GMT { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "\u003cPolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='dimgray' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'New York'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='dimgray' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'© OpenStreetMap contributors'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } }
Create an order (step 2)
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/mapfile |
Request-Type | POST (create resource) |
Response, Success | 202 Accepted |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
#!/bin/bash # # order map (request map build) postdata=$(cat <<EOF { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3" } } EOF ) echo "postdata =\n$postdata" set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --data "$postdata" \
With the status code "202 Accepted", the service signals that the job is accepted and placed in the building queue. The current status of the build process can be determined by the client using an appropriate request.
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Length: 2009 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:06:35 GMT { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "\u003cPolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='dimgray' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'New York'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='dimgray' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'© OpenStreetMap contributors'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } }
Request the order status (step 3)
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/mapstate/id |
Request-Type | GET (fetch resource) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
#!/bin/bash # # fetch map state set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \
The service documents the start of the build process in the field "mapBuildStarted". When the process is complete, the mapBuildCompleted field is updated. The fields "mapBuildSuccessful" and "mapBuildMessage" indicate the success / failure of the build process. The field "mapBuildSuccessful" can have the values "no" or "yes". The values in the fields "mapBuildBox *" describe technical properties and can be used for georeferencing the map.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 1125 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:08:13 GMT { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3", "Attributes": { "MapMetadataWritten": "2018-12-03T11:05:58+01:00", "MapOrderSubmitted": "2018-12-03T11:06:35+01:00", "MapBuildStarted": "2018-12-03T11:06:37+01:00", "MapBuildCompleted": "2018-12-03T11:06:46+01:00", "MapBuildSuccessful": "yes", "MapBuildMessage": "map build successful", "MapBuildBoxMillimeter": { "Width": 600, "Height": 600 }, "MapBuildBoxPixel": { "Width": 7087, "Height": 7087 }, "MapBuildBoxProjection": { "XMin": -8234223.1773, "YMin": 4973703.45209, "XMax": -8230263.4695, "YMax": 4977663.15989 }, "MapBuildBoxWGS84": { "LonMin": -73.9692853302, "LatMin": 40.7375252942, "LonMax": -73.9337146698, "LatMax": 40.7644719757 } } } }
Download the created map (step 4)
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/mapfile/id |
Request-Type | GET (fetch resource) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
Note: A very simple way to download the created map is to enter the map-specific URL in a web browser.
#!/bin/bash # # download map (zip) set -o verbose #echo on curl \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --dump-header "response-header.txt" \ --output "" \ set +o verbose # echo off from bash script echo cat 'response-header.txt'
Response (symbolic representation):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 16596102 Content-Type: application/zip Last-Modified: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:06:46 GMT Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:36:09 GMT ... the service sends the map to the client ...
Service response in case of failures
A negative service response can have the following characteristics:
- 400 Bad Request
- 500 Internal Server Error
With the status code "400 Bad Request" the service signals a technical error and responds with a detailed error list. The "500 Internal Server Error" status code signals an unexpected error on the service side. In this case, a text message describes the type of error.
Request (invalid):
#!/bin/bash # # create map meta data (new map) postdata=$(cat <<EOF { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "jpeg", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -773.9515, "Style": "osm-cartago", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "<PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' />", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='dimgray' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'>'New York'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='dimgray' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'>'© OpenStreetMap contributors'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } } EOF ) echo "postdata =\n$postdata" set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --data "$postdata" \
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Length: 1036 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:41:55 GMT { "Errors": [ { "ID": "", "Status": "422 Unprocessable Entity", "Code": "3008", "Source": { "Pointer": "" }, "Title": "invalid attribute style", "Detail": "valid values: osm-carto, osm-carto-mono, osm-carto-ele20, schwarzplan, schwarzplan+, raster10" }, { "ID": "", "Status": "422 Unprocessable Entity", "Code": "3002", "Source": { "Pointer": "data.attributes.fileformat" }, "Title": "invalid attribute fileformat", "Detail": "valid values: png" }, { "ID": "", "Status": "422 Unprocessable Entity", "Code": "3007", "Source": { "Pointer": "data.attributes.longitude" }, "Title": "invalid attribute longitude", "Detail": "valid values: -180.00 ... 180.00" } ] }
Update the order data
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/metadata |
Request-Type | PATCH (update resource) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
The data stored on the service side can be updated at any time. It is always the complete record with all elements to update. Post-as-Patch: Alternatively, the following URL can be used as Post request: "/api/beta2/maps/metadata/patch"
#!/bin/bash # # update map meta data postdata=$(cat <<EOF { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "<PolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' />", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='firebrick' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "<LineSymbolizer stroke='firebrick' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' />", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='firebrick' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'>'New York'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "<TextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='firebrick' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'>'© OpenStreetMap contributors'</TextSymbolizer>", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } } EOF ) echo "postdata =\n$postdata" set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --data "$postdata" \ --request PATCH \
The service signals the successful update by the status "200 OK".
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2017 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:49:57 GMT { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "33b1bb90-9759-4b82-8e91-b2942744f2f3", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "\u003cPolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='firebrick' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='firebrick' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='firebrick' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'New York'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='firebrick' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'© OpenStreetMap contributors'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } }
Delete all data of a map order
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/id |
Request-Type | DELETE (delete resource) |
Response, Success | 204 No Content |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
The service saves the data of a map (order data, order status, map, user files) under the map ID. The client can request the deletion of all data. Post-as-Delete: Alternatively, the following URL can be used as Post request: "/api/beta2/maps/delete/id"
#!/bin/bash # # delete map (all artifacts) set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --request DELETE \
The service signals the successful deletion of the data by the status code "204 No Content".
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:54:24 GMT
Request the map data
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/metadata/id |
Request-Type | GET (fetch resource) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
Response, Failure | 400 Bad Request |
#!/bin/bash # # fetch map meta data set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2009 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:57:40 GMT { "Data": { "Type": "maps", "ID": "ee0eb16b-abcb-4e38-aa44-3d276ea53584", "Attributes": { "Fileformat": "png", "Scale": 5000, "PrintWidth": 600, "PrintHeight": 600, "Latitude": 40.751, "Longitude": -73.9515, "Style": "osm-carto", "Projection": "3857", "HideLayers": "admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,admin-text", "UserObjects": [ { "Style": "\u003cPolygonSymbolizer fill='white' fill-opacity='1.0' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.0' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 20.0 580.0, 580.0 580.0, 580.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cLineSymbolizer stroke='dimgray' stroke-width='1.5' stroke-linecap='square' /\u003e", "WellKnownText": "MULTILINESTRING((5.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 5.0), (5.0 600.0, 0.0 600.0, 0.0 595.0), (595.0 600.0, 600.0 600.0, 600.0 595.0), (595.0 0.0, 600.0 0.0, 600.0 5.0))" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-2' size='80' fill='dimgray' opacity='0.6' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'New York'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(90.0 560.0)" }, { "Style": "\u003cTextSymbolizer fontset-name='fontset-0' size='12' fill='dimgray' orientation='90' allow-overlap='true'\u003e'© OpenStreetMap contributors'\u003c/TextSymbolizer\u003e", "WellKnownText": "POINT(11 300.0)" } ] } } }
Request the service capabilities
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/capabilities/service |
Request-Type | GET (fetch capabilities) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
The properties of the service can be queried in order to control the data entry (control elements) and a data check on the client side. Individual properties can change, so the following output is only an example. The client should re-discover the properties at the beginning of each session.
#!/bin/bash # # fetch service capabilities set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 7134 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:59:56 GMT { "ConfigMapdata": { "Description": "world", "MinLatitude": -90, "MaxLatitude": 90, "MinLongitude": -180, "MaxLongitude": 180 }, "ConfigMapformats": [ { "Type": "png", "MinPrintWidth": 5, "MaxPrintWidth": 3000, "MinPrintHeigth": 5, "MaxPrintHeigth": 2500 } ], "ConfigMapscale": { "MinScale": 100, "MaxScale": 250000 }, "ConfigStyles": [ { "Name": "osm-carto", "ShortDescription": "OpenStreetMap Carto Style", "LongDescription": "The 'OpenStreetMap Carto' map design is the standard style rendered at the OSM webpage.", "Release": "4.15.0", "Date": "2018/09/21", "Link": "", "Copyright": "© OpenStreetMap contributors", "Layers": "world,coast-poly,necountries,landcover-low-zoom,landcover,landcover-line,water-lines-casing,water-lines-low-zoom,icesheet-poly,water-areas,landcover-area-symbols,icesheet-outlines,springs,water-lines,water-barriers-line,water-barriers-poly,marinas-area,piers-poly,piers-line,water-barriers-point,bridge,buildings,buildings-major,tunnels,landuse-overlay,tourism-boundary,line-barriers,cliffs,area-barriers,ferry-routes,turning-circle-casing,highway-area-casing,roads-casing,highway-area-fill,roads-fill,turning-circle-fill,aerialways,roads-low-zoom,waterway-bridges,bridges,guideways,entrances,aeroways,admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,power-minorline,power-line,nature-reserve-boundaries,trees,country-names,capital-names,state-names,placenames-medium,placenames-small,stations,stations-poly,amenity-points-poly,amenity-line,amenity-points,power-towers,power-poles,roads-text-ref-low-zoom,junctions,bridge-text,roads-text-ref,roads-area-text-name,roads-text-name,paths-text-name,railways-text-name,text-poly-low-zoom,text-poly,text-line,text-point,building-text,interpolation,addresses,water-lines-text,ferry-routes-text,admin-text,nature-reserve-text,amenity-low-priority,amenity-low-priority-poly" }, { "Name": "osm-carto-mono", "ShortDescription": "OpenStreetMap Carto Monochrome Style", "LongDescription": "The 'OpenStreetMap Carto Monochrome' map design only renders (calculated) monochrome shades. The style is intended to be used as background.", "Release": "4.15.0", "Date": "2018/09/21", "Link": "", "Copyright": "© OpenStreetMap contributors", "Layers": "world,coast-poly,necountries,landcover-low-zoom,landcover,landcover-line,water-lines-casing,water-lines-low-zoom,icesheet-poly,water-areas,landcover-area-symbols,icesheet-outlines,springs,water-lines,water-barriers-line,water-barriers-poly,marinas-area,piers-poly,piers-line,water-barriers-point,bridge,buildings,buildings-major,tunnels,landuse-overlay,tourism-boundary,line-barriers,cliffs,area-barriers,ferry-routes,turning-circle-casing,highway-area-casing,roads-casing,highway-area-fill,roads-fill,turning-circle-fill,aerialways,roads-low-zoom,waterway-bridges,bridges,guideways,entrances,aeroways,admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,power-minorline,power-line,nature-reserve-boundaries,trees,country-names,capital-names,state-names,placenames-medium,placenames-small,stations,stations-poly,amenity-points-poly,amenity-line,amenity-points,power-towers,power-poles,roads-text-ref-low-zoom,junctions,bridge-text,roads-text-ref,roads-area-text-name,roads-text-name,paths-text-name,railways-text-name,text-poly-low-zoom,text-poly,text-line,text-point,building-text,interpolation,addresses,water-lines-text,ferry-routes-text,admin-text,nature-reserve-text,amenity-low-priority,amenity-low-priority-poly" }, { "Name": "osm-carto-ele20", "ShortDescription": "OpenStreetMap Carto Elevation Style (20 m)", "LongDescription": "The 'OpenStreetMap Carto Elevation' map design adds elevation (contour) lines with an equidistance of 20 meters to the default osm-carto style.", "Release": "4.15.0", "Date": "2018/09/21", "Link": "", "Copyright": "© OpenStreetMap contributors, © (based on ASTER GDEM, SRTM, EU-DEM)", "Layers": "world,coast-poly,necountries,landcover-low-zoom,landcover,landcover-line,water-lines-casing,water-lines-low-zoom,icesheet-poly,water-areas,landcover-area-symbols,icesheet-outlines,springs,water-lines,water-barriers-line,water-barriers-poly,marinas-area,piers-poly,piers-line,water-barriers-point,bridge,buildings,buildings-major,tunnels,landuse-overlay,contours,tourism-boundary,line-barriers,cliffs,area-barriers,ferry-routes,turning-circle-casing,highway-area-casing,roads-casing,highway-area-fill,roads-fill,turning-circle-fill,aerialways,roads-low-zoom,waterway-bridges,bridges,guideways,entrances,aeroways,admin-low-zoom,admin-mid-zoom,admin-high-zoom,power-minorline,power-line,nature-reserve-boundaries,trees,country-names,capital-names,state-names,placenames-medium,placenames-small,stations,stations-poly,amenity-points-poly,amenity-line,amenity-points,power-towers,power-poles,roads-text-ref-low-zoom,junctions,bridge-text,roads-text-ref,roads-area-text-name,roads-text-name,paths-text-name,railways-text-name,text-poly-low-zoom,text-poly,text-line,text-point,building-text,interpolation,addresses,water-lines-text,ferry-routes-text,admin-text,nature-reserve-text,amenity-low-priority,amenity-low-priority-poly" }, { "Name": "schwarzplan", "ShortDescription": "Figure Ground Plan (buildings)", "LongDescription": "The 'Figure Ground Plan' map design renders only buildings.", "Release": "1.1.0", "Date": "2017/06/06", "Link": "", "Copyright": "© OpenStreetMap contributors", "Layers": "buildings" }, { "Name": "schwarzplan+", "ShortDescription": "Figure Ground Plan Plus (buildings, water areas, highways)", "LongDescription": "The 'Figure Ground Plan Plus' map design renders only buildings, water areas and highways (as wire).", "Release": "1.6.0", "Date": "2018/10/01", "Link": "", "Copyright": "© OpenStreetMap contributors", "Layers": "coast-poly,waterarea,buildings,highways" }, { "Name": "raster10", "ShortDescription": "Map canvas divided into a 10x10 raster", "LongDescription": "Technical map (no database interaction) to verify the placement and styling of user map elements.", "Release": "1.0.0", "Date": "2017/05/14", "Link": "", "Copyright": "Public Domain", "Layers": "raster10" } ] }
Request the available map data
Type | Description |
Call-URL | /api/beta2/maps/capabilities/mapdata |
Request-Type | GET (fetch capabilities) |
Response, Success | 200 OK |
This web service provides only map data for a limited region. The region is described by a closed polygon. The bounding box of the polygon is described by the coordinate values "minLatitude, maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude" (see above). If an empty area is returned, the service is not restricted. The center point of the map to be created must be within the polygon. If this is not the case, the creation order is rejected. By querying the polygon, a client can:
- visualize the map area with existing print data (app with map display)
- alternatively to the coordinate test, determine whether the map creation will be possible
#!/bin/bash # # fetch map data capabilities set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \
Response (shortened representation):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 22 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 15:03:56 GMT { "Points": null }
Upload user data
To draw your own data (tracks, waypoints, ...) and map elements (images, icons, ...) on the map, the corresponding files must be uploaded to the service.
#!/bin/bash # # upload user data file (e.g. gpx file with tracks) set -o verbose curl \ --silent \ --include \ --header "Accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8" \ --request POST \ --form "file=@eastriver.gpx" \
Response (shortened representation):
HTTP/1.1 201 Created HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 15:12:38 GMT Content-Length: 54 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 file <eastriver.gpx, 8729 bytes> successfully uploaded